How to Change Price Font Size Product Page Shopify Store  - eCommerce Thesis

How to Change Price Font Size Product Page Shopify Store 

Running a successful Shopify store involves more than just listing products and waiting for sales. An essential part of a compelling online store is its visual appeal, and one element that often gets overlooked is the font size of the product prices. Having the right font size can make your prices stand out, be easily readable, and improve the overall shopping experience for your customers. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to change the price font size on the product page of your Shopify store. Whether you are tech-savvy or new to Shopify, our step-by-step instructions will help you achieve a polished look for your store.

Why Changing the Price Font Size Matters

Before diving into the how-to, let’s briefly discuss why changing the price font size can be important for your Shopify store:

  1. Visibility: Larger fonts make prices more noticeable, which can help customers quickly find and compare product prices.
  2. Readability: Ensuring your prices are easy to read, especially on mobile devices, enhances user experience.
  3. Branding: Adjusting the font size to match your brand’s style can create a cohesive look across your store.
  4. Psychological Impact: Certain font sizes and styles can influence customer perception and their purchasing decisions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Change Price Font Size

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Admin

  1. Log in to Your Shopify Account: Go to Shopify and log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Online Store: On the left-hand side menu, click on “Online Store” to access the theme settings.

Step 2: Duplicate Your Theme

Before making any changes, it’s wise to create a backup by duplicating your theme. This ensures you have a fallback if anything goes wrong.

  1. Click on Themes: Under “Online Store,” click “Themes.”
  2. Duplicate Current Theme: Find your current theme, click the “Actions” dropdown, and select “Duplicate.”

Step 3: Edit Theme Code

  1. Go to Theme Editor: In the “Actions” dropdown of your main theme, select “Edit code.”
  2. Find the Right File: In the left sidebar, you’ll see a list of files. Look for the file named theme.scss.liquid or styles.scss.liquid. If your theme uses a different naming convention, it might be in the Assets folder.

Step 4: Add Custom CSS

Now, you need to add custom CSS code to change the price font size.

  1. Open CSS File: Click on theme.scss.liquid or styles.scss.liquid to open it.
  2. Add CSS Code: Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the following code:cssCopy code/* Change Price Font Size */ .product-single__price { font-size: 24px; /* Adjust this value to your desired size */ }
  3. Save Your Changes: Click the “Save” button in the top-right corner.

Step 5: Preview Your Changes

  1. View Your Store: Go back to your Shopify admin and click “Online Store” then “Themes.”
  2. Preview Your Theme: Click “Actions” and then “Preview” to see the changes live on your store.

Customizing Further

Changing the font size is a good start, but you might also want to tweak other aspects of the price display, such as color, font style, or additional spacing. Here’s how you can do that:

Changing Price Color

  1. Open CSS File: Follow the same steps to access your CSS file.
  2. Add Color Code: Add the following code to change the color:cssCopy code/* Change Price Color */ .product-single__price { color: #FF5733; /* Replace with your desired color code */ }
  3. Save and Preview: Save your changes and preview to see the new color.

Changing Font Style

  1. Open CSS File: Access the CSS file as before.
  2. Add Font Style Code: Add this code to change the font style:cssCopy code/* Change Price Font Style */ .product-single__price { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; /* Replace with your desired font family */ }
  3. Save and Preview: Save your changes and preview your store.

Tips for Choosing the Right Font Size

When choosing a new font size for your prices, consider the following tips:

  1. Consistency: Ensure the font size complements other text on your product page.
  2. Device Compatibility: Check how the new font size looks on different devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile).
  3. User Experience: Avoid making the font size too small or too large; it should be easily readable without overwhelming the rest of the content.
  4. Brand Guidelines: Stick to your brand’s design guidelines to maintain a cohesive look across your store.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

CSS Changes Not Reflecting

If you don’t see the changes after editing your CSS, try the following:

  1. Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache to ensure you’re seeing the most recent version of your site.
  2. Check Code Placement: Make sure you placed the CSS code correctly in the right file.
  3. Inspect Element: Use your browser’s “Inspect” tool to see if the CSS is being overridden by other styles.

Mobile Responsiveness

Ensure that the font size looks good on mobile devices. You might need to add media queries to adjust the font size for smaller screens:

cssCopy code/* Responsive Price Font Size */ @media (max-width: 768px) { .product-single__price { font-size: 20px; /* Adjust for mobile devices */ } }

Changing the price font size on your Shopify store’s product page can significantly enhance the shopping experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize your store to make your prices more visible, readable, and aligned with your brand’s style. Regularly reviewing and updating your store’s design ensures it remains user-friendly and visually appealing, helping you to attract and retain customers. Happy selling!