When it comes to designing web forms, the submit button is an essential element that allows users to submit their input and complete their intended actions. However, have you ever considered replacing the traditional submit button with an image to make your form more visually appealing and unique? With the power of CSS, you can achieve this easily and effectively. In this article, we will explore the process of replacing the submit button with an image in forms using CSS, and how this simple change can elevate the user experience of your website.
Replace the Submit Button with an image in the contact form. Does it easy? No, But that will be after watching this video. Yes, In this video, I am going to show you, how to replace submit button with an image.
You can do this without hiring a developer. Even you do need to write any code because you can copy the code from below and use it on your website.
<div class="wp-block-codemirror-blocks code-block "> <pre class="CodeMirror" data-setting="{"mode":"css","mime":"text/css","theme":"material","lineNumbers":false,"lineWrapping":false,"styleActiveLine":false,"readOnly":true,"align":""}">.clf-style p input[type="submit"] { background-image: url('img/Submit-iCon.png'); height: 50px; width: 50px; background-color: inherit; background-size: cover; border: navajowhite; }</pre> </div>
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Behind The Scenes
Before recording this video and solving this problem I found many people asking in different coding forums about this problem then I decide to make this tutorial.
In the popular coding, forums StackOverflow this question answer was viewed 8k times.
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